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Why recycle printer cartridges?
We must reduce the ever-increasing size of our landfills, help curb pollution, and make the earth a better place for all to live. Did you know that for every toner cartridge and its packaging that is thrown away, an average of 3.5 pounds of waste is added to the landfills? By using and/or promoting our remanufactured toner cartridge, you can participate in the environmental cleanup effort.

Did you know that it takes three quarts of petroleum oil to produce the plastic parts for one printer cartridge? Over 40,000 tons of used toner cartridges went into landfills last year in the United States alone. Buying our remanufactured toner cartridge makes a meaningful contribution towards improving the environment.

How do ECO Elite cartridges help the environment?
The remanufacturing of original OEM printer cartridges requires us to intercept empty cartridges BEFORE they reach the landfill. The more we manufacture and sell, the more we can keep from being sent to a landfill.

In addition, ECO Elite offers simple recycling and waste management program customized to fit corporate needs. The ECO Elite Recycling Center accepts empty cartridges back for responsible recycling. When your ECO Elite cartridge is empty, just place the empty cartridge into the box in which the new cartridge arrived, packing and all. Then ship it to our recycling center address listed below. The empty cartridge may be remanufactured again if qualified, or will be sent for responsible recycling and reuse of any valuable solid components.

Please help us make a difference for the future.


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