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Engineering and Technology Make the Difference

The ECO Elite brand has its roots deep in the laser toner history. The knowledgeable engineering group has played an active role in the strategy and direction of our ECO Elite brand identity. To guarantee the highest quality available and the best value proposition, we have developed and/or utilized some of the most unique engineering solutions in the industry.

The ECO Elite product development group is dedicated to developing, utilizing, and providing the latest technologies in our laser products. Whether it’s smart chips or patented seals, we utilize cutting-edge materials to provide the highest quality toner cartridges. In order to provide the most technically advanced products available, our inhouse technical team is involved in everything from chip development to packaging design and integrity. Here are a few examples of the creative technological developments that are part of ECO Elite products.

Chip technology
Seal insertion technology for HP cartridges
EY3 patented extended yield options for Lexmark Optra S, Optra T, and T630   about us      products      warranty      partners      buy eco      contacts  
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